There are many types of loans and many loan providers. Some types work better in certain situations than others. Similarly, lenders constantly change rates and have different strengths. They also focus on different product types at different times. Since Cap Ex Management knows the different loan products and lenders, we can find a loan that is most cost effective for you.
Cap Ex Management can help you buy, lease up, and finance your commercial assets, both properties and businesses, so that your money is working for you all the time, even while you sleep.
Borrowers, questions you need to answer. Do you know what they are?
Having tools in place for reporting your profit and loss statement is an important step … but only if you’re collecting the right information for the balance sheets.
You have a property or business. You have a loan. How do you make the best use of the funds? We can help you with business plans and how to use the funds to best benefit your profitability!
The banks just love to give away money. Really, it’s what they do. So, it’s important that when you’re preparing to find financing that you have a proposal that meets institutional standards. Then the banks will ask how much do you want to take!